The 411

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Monday, October 3, 2011

DD411 - Games

So, I'm waiting for DealDash to get some Trivial Pursuit games up on the site. Because that's somewhat of a necessity for me right now. They have Monopoly and yahtzee and stuff,  but  i need some updated trivial pursuit cards.

here is why: I've invented a game (to an extent). Basically i combined two games to make them way cooler.  It's called Trivial Pursuit Billionare Steal.

First of all, i got these 2 card/travel pack games at the Borders 50-70% off closing sale. You know they are done-zoe right? As a word nerd and book nerd, of course i was there scavenging for 1-2 dollar books. I came across these two travel games: Trivial Pursuit Steal and Billionaire. on sale. so i got them. The instructions were hysterical because they give you the basic idea of what to do, but do not offer all necessary answers, nor tell you exactly how to play. So we had to start making our own rulings because they left us hanging. Billionaire turned out to be pretty lame (maybe because it 3+ players and we were only 2).

But when you magically combine these two worlds, you get Trivial Pursuit Billionaire Steal. A revolutionary game of skill, strategy and triumph.
It's a real crowd pleaser, and you get to test your trivia skills. Anyway, we blew through the small stack of Trivial Pursuit cards in about 2 hours. So we need new cards. By the way, did you know that the original name of the planet Uranus was "Herschel?" (.....hmm....well, it doesn't look like a "jane," not really a "neil," i've got it! Herschel!)

So i need more trivial pursuit cards. I'll take any donations, as long as the cards were made from 90's on. I am no longer accepting cards made pre 1990.  And no Lord of the Rings trivia cards. Beggars can't be choosers, but the Baby Boomers edition asked a question about the most popular tv show from 1966 - 1971. I just don't know that kind of stuff.
You can send them to 1818 Word Nerd Lane, Loserville, 0.7734. (did you get that one??? the zip code??)

When DealDash puts Trivial Pursuit up for auction, I'm all over it. And i wonder why very few people check my blog. Besides the fact that i go off subject ALL the time. I need to reign it back in, i know.  It's a time factor people...i have some biz going (finally!) so i can't always spend my days staring at DealDash...but i will try harder.

You know who doesn't have anything else to do?

woweewin and ASPENREX

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